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500,00 €

Manopola remota per sintonia/ RIT/ funzioni programmabili

N.B. I prezzi sono variabili col tasso di cambio. Chiedere quotazione


A Compact Accessory Panel for Contesting, DXing, and Customized Station Control

The K-Pod is an ideal companion to your Elecraft K4, K3 or K3S Transceiver, maximizing both convenience and operating efficiency. At only 3.5 x 3 x 1 inches (9 x7.5 x 2.5 cm), it can be placed anywhere the action is, typically next to a computer keyboard. It’s versatile enough to integrate transceiver and station control functions, putting you in command as never before.

A utility jack beneath the K4, K3 and K3S radio’s front panel acts as the K-Pod’s data interface. The unit can be powered from the radio’s rear 12-V accessory output, the pod’s own USB port, or any 8-15 V, 50-mA DC power source.*

*The K-Pod can also be powered directly through its data cable. This may require a minor modification to your radio’s front panel module. 

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