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9589,00 €

The KPA1500 solid-state amplifier won’t take over your entire desktop: it’s just 4.5 x 13.5 x 11.5” (HWD; 11.5 x 34 x 29 cm). The lightweight companion power supply can be placed on the floor or in any other convenient location.

The KPA1500's no-nonsense front panel shows all important parameters at a glance, with a high-contrast 32-character LCD and fast, bright LED bar graphs. Band switching is instantaneous, via control inputs or RF sensing. Protection and monitoring circuitry is extensive and foolproof, letting you focus on the job at hand — breaking pileups and overcoming the most difficult operating conditions. And it wouldn’t be an Elecraft amp without robust PIN-diode T/R switching. Like our KPA500, the KPA1500 offers fast QSK without a noisy relay.

The amplifier’s rugged internal ATU can handle full power with load SWR up to 3:1, while a wider matching range is allowed at lower power, including up to 10:1 in standby mode.

When it’s time to make waves, you can rely on the compact, quiet, highly integrated Elecraft KPA1500.

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