Amplificatore compatto da 100 W con 5 di pilotaggio.
Si integra perfettamente col KX3 ma può essere usato con qualsiasi qrp da 5 W ( FT-817 , IC703 ecc.) Il riconoscimento della frequenza è automatico, quindi non richiede il CAT ( solo RF e PTT)
Caratteristiche professionali.
Può incorporare l'accordatore KXAT100
N.B. I prezzi sono variabili col tasso di cambio. Chiedere quotazione
- 100 W output on 160-6 m with 5 W input typical
- 13.8 VDC powered; 20 A typical current drain (11 V with lower output. 15 V max)
- 7 lbs with KXAT100 installed. 10 x 5.125 x 4.25"
- Compact unit ideal for both desktop and mobile use
- Solid-state diode T/R switching — fast, silent T/R and QSK
- Large convection-cooled heat sink for reliable and quiet operation
- Modern design with rugged MOSFET output stage
- Internal wide-range automatic antenna tuner (KXAT100 ATU option)
- Second antenna jack provided with KXAT100 ATU option; controlled by KX3's ANT switch
- Fast, bright LED bar graphs for power and status; KXAT100 ATU option adds SWR bar graph
- Seamless integration with the Elecraft KX3 transceiver
- Works well with any low-power transceiver, requiring only RF and PA KEY inputs
- RF-based frequency counter automatically switches bands with any rig
- Optional band-data input support the K3/10, KX3, Yaesu FT-817, Icom IC-703, and other rigs
- Dual APP power connectors for additional friction-fit if needed (mobile); optional daisy-chaining of 13.8 V to power rig
- Optional KXPACBL adapter connects KX3 to the KXPA100 with a single cable for keying, band data, and control
- KXPA100's PC port allows use of remote-control and logging applications with the KX3 without software configuration changes
- KXAT100 internal ATU option matches 10:1 SWR (5:1 typical on 160 m and 6 m); uses Elecraft's fast matching algorithm
- KXAT100 ATU settings saved per band, per band segment, and per antenna for instant recall